Saturday, April 13, 2013

Abigail is Changing

I love that each week there is always something new going on with our little girl.
I just think she is absolutely adorable!!!!!

1)  When I put Abigail down for a nap then check on her later she's never in the same area of the crib!  She is a squirmer (if that's even a word).
This is not how I put her in the bed.

2) Her favorite way to be held is to hang over my arm and look out at what's happening.  Laying in my arms rarely happens unless she's asleep and I put her that way.  I'm already starting to miss some of the little baby things (except for the lack of sleep).

3) Abigail is already sleeping an average of seven to eight hours every night, and I'm so relieved!!!  Especially now that I'm working again. On the rare occasion she sleeps 10 1/2 hours like last night!!!!!  (Those are my favorite!!!)

We still have our unhappy moments but she's still adorable!!

4) She eats so well and is actually up to about 6 ounces at night before bed.  She's growing so much! Believe me, I've noticed when I carry her around all the time since we don't have a stroller yet.

5) It's so nice to put her in her little rocking seat, and she's content.  She likes to watch TV already!
So happy!!

6) When it's nap time, we put her in her bed and let her cry herself to sleep.  At first it took FOREVER!! But now (at least most of the time) it only takes 5-10 minutes (sometimes less) and she's out.

I love being a mom to this little sweetheart!  It's still hard to believe that she's our child and we're responsible for her.  There is no sending her back with her parents like I did with my nieces and nephews because we are her parents.  It has definitely been a life changing experience that is totally worth every minute!!

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