Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How God Became King

If you have a free hour, I would highly recommend you watch this lecture given by N. T. Wright at Calvin College (view here).  If you want to understand the theology of the gospel accounts better, then you definitely need to watch this.  There is more going on in the story than just Jesus' birth and death.  What about all that is written in between?

Wright has also just published a book w/ the same title, How God Became King.  I can't wait to read this book over the summer (when I can buy it).

Friday, March 2, 2012


View of the city.
Amy can never take a serious picture!

I had so much fun having them around!
We're getting ready to go for a walk and he's bringing Brutus.

Valentines Day dinner with the Joe and Susan.

Before our dinner came out we had a few items to experiment with.

Our steak dinner for dinner.  It was huge!!

Of course we took them to Jesus.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

An interesting aspect of the Gospel - God's hatred

In honor of the issue I raised at my school, I'd thought I'd post a video on the subject.

Feel free to share comments about God hating sinners.