Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twenty-one Months...

What has happened in the year and 9 months of no blog posts? The Lord has done so many things in our lives. Through these many months, we have been through many trials and tribulations as well as changes and excitements. Here is just a short list I can remember off the top of my head.

~ God blessed us with our 1st pregnancy
~ Two months later, we lost our baby
~ God has given strength and comfort over and over
~ We kept busy at New Hope Baptist Church (where Tim was the pastor)
~ Our new niece was born to Scott & Amy (total of 4 nieces and nephews now)
~ Bought a house and worked hard to fix it up
~ Tim resigned from being pastor at New Hope
~ My brother Nathan married Traci
~ Sold our house and moved (for the 5th time in our marriage)
~ Found out Scott and Amy will be having their 3rd child (makes 5 nieces and nephews)
~ Completed my 3rd year of teaching
~ Found out Nathan and Traci are having a baby after only 3 months of being married (makes 6 nieces and nephews)
~ Started working at Cornerstone Gospel Baptist Church (Tim - music leader/assistant pastor, Liz - piano play)
~ Moved again (for the 6th time in our marriage)
~ Tim signed up and was accepted to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

So how is that for a year and nine months? God has been working in our lives and hearts, and I want to continue sharing what God has done for me. I will try to update more frequently than I have in the past. Please feel free to make comments on what God is doing in your life!

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