Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Joy of the Coast

I prayed that we would have a quiet September/October (hurricane season) after Hurricane Earl passed by with minimal damage.  Then came the tropical storm.  Who knew that tropical storms are worse than hurricanes.  Not I!!  There was lots of flooding, closed roads, and upset parents for the simple fact we had school.  (At least my Christmas break hasn't been touched yet!)  Here are just a few pictures of the area after the storm.

A ditch on the way to school...I'm in my friend Staci's driveway because the road behind us was closed and we couldn't get to school this way (the trip went from 3 minutes to school to 30 minutes).

On most days, there is a ball field behind the little white building.  Not today.

Praise the Lord!  This is the flooding at our house.  It doesn't look like much but walking to the car it turned out to be about 6-8 inches.  But it never went into our garage or our house!! :-)

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