Facts about Honduras

Where in the world is Honduras? 

Central America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Guatemala and Nicaragua and bordering the Gulf of Fonseca (North Pacific Ocean), between El Salvador and Nicaragua


About the Honduran Flag...

**Five stars depict the five members of the federation of Honduras

**Two blue stipes signify the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean on either side of the country

Other Interesting Facts...
Population:     about 8,143,564
Language:     Spanish
Religions:     Roman Catholic 97%     Protestant 3%
Government Type:     Democratic constitutional republic
Capital:     Tegucigalpa
Independence Day (from Spain):     September 15, 1821
Chief of State/Head of Government:     President Porfirio LOBO Sosa     Vice President Maria Antonieta Guillen de BOGRAN

The information on Honduras was found at CIA-The World Factbook